Peak Performance: Innovate, Collaborate, Elevate

We’re excited to announce that SIGUCCS will travel to the Mile High City for our Annual Conference. Please join us in Denver April 6-9, 2025!
Monday April 7, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MDT
Learn how giving colleagues access to data through familiar tools like Excel can enable better decision-making and bring people together through shared and easily accessed information.

If you have data from one or more systems that can be exported to csv and access to Excel, you have everything you need to build dashboards that will give both your techy and non-techy staff access to those systems data!

Microsoft’s Power Query makes it simple to work with .csv files by letting you filter, sort, split, and clean your data through an easy-to-use interface. Once you’ve set it up, all you need to do is save a fresh .csv file and click “Refresh All,”. Excel will automatically apply the same steps and show the updated data in the familiar Excel interface. This allows even non-techy folks to navigate and access shared data.

This session will showcase examples of existing Excel and Power BI dashboards used to elevate data driven decision-making, and then walk attendees through the steps to make their own in Excel using Power Query. You’ll leave with example dashboards and the steps you need to get started building your own Dashboards using Power Query in Excel or Power BI.

Elevate your discussions to be more data driven by giving all your staff access to your data in the familiar Excel interface.
avatar for Scott Trimmer

Scott Trimmer

Learning Commons Director, Cuyahoga Community College
Monday April 7, 2025 2:45pm - 3:45pm MDT
Crestone Salon B

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