Peak Performance: Innovate, Collaborate, Elevate

We’re excited to announce that SIGUCCS will travel to the Mile High City for our Annual Conference. Please join us in Denver April 6-9, 2025!
Tuesday April 8, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm MDT
This paper presents our ongoing research in identifying use cases, developing plans, and evaluating the effectiveness of measures taken
to ensure our network meets the needs of Fukuoka University use cases, focusing on our work to transition to IPv6 next-generation
networks and enhancements to network security.
Against the backdrop of the rapidly evolving era of ultra-high- capacity communications, the number of devices connected to cam-
pus networks is rapidly increasing in terms of the number of Wi-Fi device connections at Fukuoka University. As a result, the prob-
lem of IPv4 address space exhaustion, here is an urgent need to review IPv4 operations and migrate IPv6, the next-generation In-
ternet protocol. This smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6 will be discussed in detail based on our case study in Part 1[1] and our
plans for the future.
In addition, university network security has become increasingly important in recent years as cyber attacks have become more
sophisticated and diversified. Therefore, from the viewpoint of network security, we will analyze more deeply how the introduction
of Web Content Filter Service and ProtectiveDNS contributes to improving security, following Part 1[1], and clarify its effective-
ness and challenges.
This presentation of our research will provide attendees with information and examples of real-world applications of cutting-edge
technology, and IPv6 deployment and network security technologies, along with clear guidelines for what to consider when implementing similar strategies in complex networking environments.
avatar for Fujimura Sho

Fujimura Sho

Associate Professor, Information Technology Center, Fukuoka University
I’m in charge of Campus Network and Campus Network Security.
avatar for Masaru Okumura

Masaru Okumura

Fukuoka University
Tuesday April 8, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm MDT
Crystal Salon BC

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